Ensonify Headers NARROW SERVICES 2

Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)

Ensonify offer solutions for the following applications:

  • New Weldments
  • In-service pipework, vessels and structural steel
Tofd for page 2
TOFD new weldments 1 CMYK

New Weldments

Ensonify use the latest equipment to perform time of flight diffraction on welds in accordance with American and ISO standards. Procedures are fully validated by Ensonify and their client prior to use on-site.

Ensuring the data quality is acceptable is critical for production scanning; in some cases, the analysis of the collected data can be performed by other technicians based in on-site office areas, or even remotely performed from another country.

In-service pipework, vessels and structural steel

Ensonify also use TOFD to inspect pipework, vessels and structural steel for the detection of in-service defects such as fatigue cracks, corrosion/erosion utilising a range of probes for enhanced detectability and sizing.

Ensonify also performs bespoke validations and proving of proposed NDT technique based on detection and sizing of client specified defect detection level.

Our Services
Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)