Ensonify has extensive experience conducting comprehensive inspection data analysis and Fitness-for-Service (FFS) assessments on various assets and industries to evaluate mechanical integrity.

Industrial assets that have been in operation may develop degradation and damage of construction materials due to either normal or abnormal operating conditions. Critical damage mechanisms can occur in a short or a long operation term, involving equipment failures affecting a safe and reliable operation. An unplanned asset shutdown due to equipment failure is expensive in terms of both missing production, resulting in loss of revenue, and resources required to fix a particular mechanical integrity issue.

Fitness-for-Service (FFS) Assessment Capabilities

Damage mechanisms can be assessed using a fitness-for-service (FFS) approach. An FFS assessment is an industry recognised practice developed to assist operators in managing mechanical integrity of their assets, as well as making run-repair-replace documented decisions by determining if equipment is safe for immediate return to service. It comprises a rational basis for defining material damage acceptance. With a low-level assessment, a decision can be taken in a short period. A higher level of assessment is complex and time-consuming but still require less time and cost than ordering, supplying, and commissioning of replacement equipment.

FFS assessments of equipment may be viewed both in terms of current and future condition or remaining life. For aging assets, FFS assessments are useful to estimate how much remaining service life can be expected for particular equipment that can continue in service despite anomalies; where repair or replace if equipment is still suitable for service would be unnecessary and costly.

Benefits of FFS Assessments

There are numerous benefits to adding FFS assessments to an asset integrity management program. Conducting FFS assessments supports reliability of process facilities and reduces challenges related to expenditure and assessment completion time. Planning for an integrity assessment can save time collecting the data required to complete the assessment. Including FFS approaches as part of maintenance programs can save costs during facilities outages. Ensuring that these capabilities exist can reduce duration of shutdowns and potentially avoid unplanned shutdowns. Ensonify has a proven track record in conducting comprehensive FFS assessments that have benefited industry operators by supporting:

  • Operational and maintenance reduced costs
  • Maintain mechanical integrity of assets
  • Extension of assets service life and reduction of capital expenditure
  • Compliance of regulation for a safe operation

Whether it is a single FFS assessment, Suitability-for-Service assessment of an undocumented pressure vessel or a large process facility condition assessment for a service life extension program, our qualified and certified FFS engineers are ready to develop integrated cost-effective solutions for your business needs.

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